I was talking with another party about the debacle last night with the Navy, and he proffered the opinion that the fact that the Navy had admitted that the choice of the same background color for one of the outlines, and that same choice for the outline of the map insert had been a tactical error (one they won't likely repeat, as it's pretty cut-and-dried).
However, the extension of the admission that one's work could be misconstrued and that one could have preempted the misconstruction by alternate original choices is not the admission of 'error' in presentation.
It only means, "We didn't allocate for morons who are unfamiliar with map inserts."
In the future, expect the Navy to allocate for morons of this magnitude.
It's just not a projectable item.
As I pointed out to my Congressman's aide today, I think there might be 'stupid juice' in the water here or something.
While you might have to deal with these folks, you need to always treat them as the aberration that they should be.
A nation of democrats can't afford to be that ignorant.
These folks should be pariahs.
We can't afford to give solace to the stupid. The ignorant can be re-educated, but those who are intransigent and need their 'affirmations' have to be let go.
You can't affirm error and be in balance.
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