HR 875 & S 425 redux (recant, retract)

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I've been doing research on this issue for the morning news, as I've recently been informed that this is an internet hoax, and the actual law in question is not anywhere near as draconian as the initial reports would indicate.

Of course, I've only scratched the surface, but it appears that the following web sites are *not* in agreement with the 'alarm' nature of many of the early reports.

That said, here's some sites:

The last site, the CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers) has even issued a PDF

Here's some highlights from that:

MYTH: H.R. 875 "makes it illegal to grow your own garden"
and would result in the "criminalization of the backyard gardner."

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would regulate,
penalize, or shut down backyard gardens. This bill is focused on
ensuring the safety of foods sold in supermarkets.

· MYTH: H.R. 875 would mean a "goodbye to farmers markets"
because the bill would "require such a burdensome complexity of rules,
inspections, licensing, fees, and penalties for each farmer who wishes
to sell locally - a fruit stand, at a farmers market."

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would result in
farmers markets being regulated, penalized any fines, or shut down.
Farmers markets would be able to continue to flourish under the bill.
In fact, the bill would insist that imported foods meet strict safety
standards to ensure that unsafe imported foods are not competing with
locally-grown foods.

· MYTH: H.R. 875 would result in the "death of organic

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would stop organic
farming. The National Organic Program (NOP) is under the jurisdiction
of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Food
Safety Modernization Act only addresses food safety issues under the
jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

· MYTH: The bill would implement a national animal ID system.
FACT: There is no language in the bill that would implement a
national animal ID system. Animal identification issues are under the
jurisdiction of the USDA. The Food Safety Modernization Act addresses
issues under the jurisdiction of the FDA.

MYTH: The bill is supported by the large agribusiness

FACT: No large agribusiness companies have expressed support for
this bill. This bill is being supported by several Members of
Congress who have strong progressive records on issues involving
farmers markets, organic farming, and locally-grown foods. Also, H.R.
875 is the only food safety legislation that has been supported by all
the major consumer and food safety groups, including:

-- Center for Foodborne Illness Research & Prevention
-- Center for Science in the Public Interest
-- Consumer Federation of America
-- Consumers Union
-- Food & Water Watch
-- The Pew Charitable Trusts
-- Safe Tables Our Priority
-- Trust for America's Health

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