From ASA

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President Obama has made it clear that, when creating policy, his administration will hold science over political ideology and value the input of people like you.

TAKE ACTION NOW to demand the Obama Administration honor these words when considering policy on medical marijuana policies!

There is a scientific consensus that cannabis can control symptoms of serious and chronic illness. In the past decade alone, clinical research has demonstrated that cannabis and its constituents can safely and effectively treat nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, pain and spasticity. And a growing body of literature suggests that cannabis may hold the key to unlocking new treatments for HIV/AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, and many other conditions. Year after year, the research has been twisted or ignored to suit a political ideology.

The federal government is lying when it states that the therapeutic use of cannabis has no accepted medical value in treatment in the United States and ASA, time and again, has called them to task on this lie. Now, we need YOU to weigh in!

Last month, the President signed a Memorandum on Scientific Integrity affirming that policy decisions that are made are done so with facts and data, not political agendas. Yesterday, the Office of Technology and Science Policy (OTSP), the agency responsible for overseeing the scientific integrity pledge, created a way for you to provide feedback.

This is your chance to tell the White House what you think about the Government's long-standing refusal to acknowledge the medical benefits of cannabis and its obstruction of medical cannabis research.

Visit tificIntegrity 

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