Breaking News: Dick Cheney Implicated in Torture Crimes

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Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of people who have helped spread the word, there is now a firestorm of grassroots support for investigation and prosecution. 

Today, a coalition of organizations is presenting more than 250,000 petition signatures to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder requesting that he appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Bush-era officials responsible for torture carried out under the Bush Admnistration. 

More than 134,000 people have signed the referendum at IndictBushNow. Let's make it a million signatures -- you can help by spreading the word to your friends and family. 

Click this link right now to sign the IndictBushNow petition to Eric Holder. 

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 to encourage your friends and family members to sign by forwarding them this message - it only takes a second. 

In breaking news, a newly declassified document released by the Senate Intelligence Committee discloses that the authorization for acts of torture was being directed from high ranking administration officials including Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. 

It is impossible that George W. Bush was not involved. 

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