Who Really Goes to Hell?

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What does the Bible really say about the Judgment and Salvation?


A Controversial Book on Salvation and Judgment

Do you agree with Jesus' teachings but don't agree with the dogma of Christianity?

Do you have questions about the Judgment that your pastor cannot answer to your satisfaction?

Are you a conservative Christian who is very interested in what the Bible teaches?

Are you a Christian who shies away from a literal take on the Bible because it does not seem to make much sense?

If any of the above describe you, you might be interested in and surprised by the answer to the question in red. Most people hear some version of the gospel but never actively compare the Bible to what they've been told. Who Really Goes to Hell? --- The Gospel You've Never Heardchallenges people, both in the church and outside it, to do exactly that: read the Bible carefully for themselves without assuming it says everything conservative Christians claim. In particular, the book questions the basic modern gospel that all believers, and only believers, survive the Final Judgment.

In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus says, "If you forgive others for their offences, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your offences."

Have you ever wondered what that means for a believer who does not forgive others...or a non-believer who does forgive others?


"Rudel tries to point out that the central message (going to heaven or hell) of the church might not be the central message of the Bible. He makes a good case of it too, and I recommend that you read this book to find out all about that case....
Whether you agree with Rudel's perspectives and conclusions or not, I recommend that any honest person of faith read this book. It asks questions that need to be asked and will get your blood pumping and your thoughts surging around the Bible in a way I don't think most people ever experience. Reading "The Gospel You've Never Heard" is like reading the Bible again for the first time. It'll open your eyes." 
James Pyles at Congregation Shema Yisrael

"David Rudel's Who Really Goes to Hell? -- The Gospel You've Never Heard is an important book. He will posit ideas and ask questions about the Bible's teachings and about the Church's use of those teachings that may trouble you. The questions are honest, thoroughly researched, meticulously argued, and will wash over you like incessant waves. Most annoyingly, his questions are always referenced to scripture as the standard." - Pastor Edward Hopkins

"I found this book the first of its kind in addressing concerns I've had regarding the juxtoposition of conservative Christain dogma and the teachings of Christ. David Rudel uses a well-researched Bible-based approach to answering these questions by studiously examining scriptures whose meaning we may mistakenly take for granted." Elaine Shaw

"I feel that the book grabs the reader fairly early on with some of the very simple, but quite earth-shaking questions he raises." -Blogger Aaron Lozier

"The value of this book for liberal Christians is the joyful and refreshing realization that the priorities of the church do not reflect the priorities of the Bible. The ideas found here allow me to love the Bible and the true gospel without compromise, and inspire me to reimagine the church. At the same time, I'm challenged to re-read and evaluate uncomfortable Scripture honestly and bravely, without retreating to my modern values."-Nancy Arrens

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on March 30, 2009 9:29 AM.


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