Almost time to don thy wierd apparel, find a sign that fits your mood,collect the stray pennies from beneath the couch,round up the solo socks and the losing lottery tickets and think about thinking about the one hole-y day obligation that you have as unavoidable members of the world's oldest religion, the world's largest church....the First Church of the Last Laugh.
You're human?...your in it. Might as well show up and find out why this parade,the
, won't go away.
This year it's the weekday parade route on the sidewalk from the EMBARCADERO PLAZA thru the financial district with stops at the 'stations of stupid' for the time honored rituals and traditions so beloved by the people down at the bureau of rituals and traditions. Givin the annual sub text (there's a sub in every parade), that of giving homage to the buisness of religion and the religion of buisness,this year promises extra fun in the concrete canyons of greed and deceit. Stick the head of your favorite overpaid ceo on a stick (and the amount of his/her crime)....bring PINK SLIPS and EVICTION NOTICES for the HQs of the not so free market...print your own money for bail outs, pay offs and buy ins. Fun for all ages! Drums and other noise production devices encouraged. Attend at your own risk. Watch your step. Spread the word.
Free lunch. RAIN OR SHINE. War and peace. free!! Hotcha!
Wednesday, Noon, April 1th, foot of Market st. SF. Ca. USA
www.saintstupid.com 510 841 1898
And As Well . . . . .
Perish Newz from The Bishipp
You're human?...your in it. Might as well show up and find out why this parade,the
, won't go away.
This year it's the weekday parade route on the sidewalk from the EMBARCADERO PLAZA thru the financial district with stops at the 'stations of stupid' for the time honored rituals and traditions so beloved by the people down at the bureau of rituals and traditions. Givin the annual sub text (there's a sub in every parade), that of giving homage to the buisness of religion and the religion of buisness,this year promises extra fun in the concrete canyons of greed and deceit. Stick the head of your favorite overpaid ceo on a stick (and the amount of his/her crime)....bring PINK SLIPS and EVICTION NOTICES for the HQs of the not so free market...print your own money for bail outs, pay offs and buy ins. Fun for all ages! Drums and other noise production devices encouraged. Attend at your own risk. Watch your step. Spread the word.
Free lunch. RAIN OR SHINE. War and peace. free!! Hotcha!
Wednesday, Noon, April 1th, foot of Market st. SF. Ca. USA
www.saintstupid.com 510 841 1898
And As Well . . . . .

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