I'm really *not* that terribly deviant. I'm a leftie, sure, and I read alternate scripts, but really, those aren't *gay* (you can't stone me for them, in other words).
And because I'm a leftie, I do have that 'right-brain' feminine understanding (since that's my dominant lobe). So I understand gay people (somewhat, though it's not an option to me personally).
Over time, I think these are the levels of deviation:
Normal Heterosexuals
Heterosexual Alternate Script Linguists
Homosexual Alternate Script Linguists
Left Handed Homosexuals
Left-handed Heterosexuals
Left-Handed Heterosexual Alternate Script Linguists
Left-Handed Homosexual Alternate Script Linguists
On the off-chance that Scott ever reads this, yes, Math is an alternate script, and I still think you are the smartest person I've ever met.
And I'd like to stone you again, but not with a rock, just a nugget.
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