t r u t h o u t | 02.08

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Dahr Jamail | Full Circle
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "Among things that have not changed in Iraq is one that I hope never changes. After a four-year-long absence, each of my meetings here with former friends and fresh acquaintances seems to suggest that adversity has taken its toll on everything except Iraqi hospitality and Iraqi generosity."

Biden Urges Fresh Start With Iran, Russia
Craig Whitlock, The Washington Post: "Vice President Joe Biden held out an olive branch Saturday to Iran and Russia, and reassured European allies that the Obama administration would treat them as equals but emphasized that 'America will ask its partners to do more as well.'"

Doctors: Under the Drug Industry's Influence?
Julie Steenhuysen, Reuters: "Reports of undisclosed financial ties between researchers and drugmakers have eroded public confidence, and restoring it will require an end to some 'free' perks, health policy experts said on Tuesday. Doctors may have to give up not just pens and prescription pads, but cozy seminars put on by drug companies in the guise of education, while the companies may need to give up direct-to-consumer ads, the experts wrote in a series of commentaries in the British Medical Journal."

The Credit Crunch According to Soros
Chrystia Freeland, The Financial Times: "On Friday, August 17, 2007, 21 of Wall Street's most influential investors met for lunch at George Soros's Southampton estate on the eastern end of Long Island. The first tremors of what would become the global credit crunch had rippled out a week or so earlier, when the French bank BNP Paribas froze withdrawals from three of its funds, and in response, central bankers made a huge injection of liquidity into the money markets in an effort to keep the world's banks lending to one another."

A Protected Forest's Fast Decline
Joshua Partlow, The Washington Post: "Antonio Elson Portela had already passed acres of charred stumps and rows of corn and coffee plants when he drove up behind a flatbed truck hauling logs out of this Amazonian forest. It was yet another affront to Portela, an environmental official responsible for protecting this rapidly dwindling national forest from settlers and loggers, but both Portela and the truck driver knew where things stood."

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