Students for Justice in Palestine get Divestment at Hampshire College

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SJP's demands

The following are SJP's demands: "Hampshire College calls on the U.S. government to stop financing the Israeli occupation. We support dialogue on our campus and between the leaderships of the two peoples as long as it is sincere and with the intention to end the oppression of the Palestinian people. As an institution we will not support, invest in or finance any individual, group or institution that is economically involved with the occupation. We support the Palestinian right to resist the occupation in accordance with international law.

"Due to our mandate as an institution of higher education, we are committed to support the Palestinian right to education, which is denied by the occupation, through exchange programs and academic support. In solidarity with the Palestinian people, our educational program will provide a stage for unheard Palestinian voices."

After these demands were made, SJP compiled a list of six companies that the school should specifically divest from: 1) Caterpillar, which sells armored bulldozers used to demolish homes and uproot olive trees and is responsible for the death of Rachel Corrie. 2) United Technologies, which makes Blackhawk helicopters that attack Palestinian buildings and civilians. 3) General Electric, which makes engines for the "Apache" helicopters. 4) ITT, which supplies the Israeli military with communications, electronic and night vision equipment used by its forces in the occupied territories. 5) Motorola, which has a contract to develop wireless encrypted communications for the Israeli military in the territories and is a majority investor in one of Israel's four cell phone companies. 6) Terex, which supplies Israel with tactical trucks, flood light towers and cranes for the separation wall, and provides associated logistical support to the Israeli Army.

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