Environmental Health News

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Environmental Health News: Published by Environmental Health Sciences


The rise and fall of a peanut empire.


Just weeks ago, Stewart Parnell was running a peanut company from a converted garage behind his house outside Lynchburg, Va. His family business supplied ingredients to some of the biggest names on supermarket shelves: Kellogg, Sara Lee, Little Debbie. 

Today, Parnell's peanut empire has filed for bankruptcy protection. He is the target of a federal criminal investigation, civil claims are piling up in courthouses around the country and he has been vilified from Georgia peanut fields to Capitol Hill.


Pollution link to asthma in womb.

Traffic pollution causes genetic changes in the womb which increase a child's risk of developing asthma, research suggests. A study of umbilical cord blood from 56 children found "reprogramming" of a gene associated with exposure to compounds in traffic fumes. 

The researchers found a significant association between chemical changes which control activation of the gene and high levels of maternal PAH exposure. 

It is an example of an epigenetic change - where environmental factors influence the activity of genes but do not cause structural changes or mutations in the genes. The finding needs to be confirmed in larger studies.


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