Address Is Approximate

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Now, one of the *absolutely* notable local places is Greenfield Ranch, which I believe I've found on Google Maps, in spite of the fact that the locals don't think of it as such.

I was reporting on Oberon Zell-Ravenheart some time back (when he made those hokey 'unicorns').

Incidentally, he and I share a title (primate).  I think he might be a bit more serious about his than myself (though I'd like some vestments, I think hemp would be more appropriate).

From the wiki:

Thomas deLong (born Berkeley, California, 21 May 1946 - died 9 Nov 1982), better known as Gwydion Pendderwen, was an American musicianwriterpoetconservationist and witch.

After being recognized for his music at a celebration in Wales in 1976, Pendderwen returned to California, quit his job with the Internal Revenue Service, and purchased a plot of the Greenfield Ranch in Mendocino County. Naming his parcel Annwfn after the Welsh underworld, he later gift-deeded the property to the Church of All Worlds with which he had long been involved.

Incidentally, the title of the post refers to the 'address' that Google Maps reports.  I can't read the addresses on the mailbox, but if it's Greenfield, then it should be 9050 Orr Springs Road, not 20722.

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