Where Will It Stop?

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I posit that if good people do NOTHING to stop evil, it will continue.  I found a lovely sequence of images (Canadian, of course), and I'll extrapolate (and quote).  You might want to look at the wiki, too.

Here's what the original Zionist conference proposed, give or take a pixel, superimposed over the current map:

Here's the map showing Palestinian land (brown) vs. Jewish land (white) as it was before the first day of 'Israel' (preceded by the last, bloody, frightful night of the 'Single State' solution).

The white areas above are land owned by Jews in Palestine. About 1,845,000 people live in Palestine. 1,237,000 are Arabs, 608,000 are Jews. Most Jews in Palestine are refugees recently arriving from to escape the WW II and the Holocaust. Nearly all Arabs in Palestine were born in Palestine.


Here's how it looked the next day (except that the browner population that lived in the former brown area had moved to the remaining brown area, in large part in fear for their lives)

IN 1947, the UN divided Palestine between recent Jewish refugees/immigrants and resident Arabs. 325,000 Arabs find themselves in a Jewish state. The Arab side has 10,000 Jews and is disorganized. Neither side is happy. The Arabs believe the partition unfairly awards most of Palestine including most of the arable land and water to the Jewish refugees/immigrants. The Zionists want a pure Jewish state consisting of all Palestine regardless of how many Arabs they have to remove/kill. As a result the Zionists started an ethnic cleansing war in late 1947.

This is after the first war (that the Arabs waged in part on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of homeless Palestinian refugees.

Alas, the Arabs had no rich friends with big guns like the Israelis had.

The better armed and trained Zionists defeated the Arabs by the end of 1948. During the war, about 800,000 Arabs were cleansed from the Israeli side. About 10,000 Jews were cleansed from the Arab side. The UN awards Israel statehood describing it as a peace loving nation on condition that all refugees be allowed to return home or recieve compensation. What remains of Arab Palestine is occupied by Jordan and Egypt. In violation of international law, Israel prevents Arab refugees from returning home, seizes their property (Land, homes, bank accounts, furniture, family portraits...) and awards it to Jews. 

After the 1967 War, Israel cemented it's hold on Jerusalem, started 'settling' (illegally taking land from their victims) and restricting Palestinian rights.

During the 1967 war, Israel seizes and occupies the West Bank and Gaza from Jordan and Egypt. After the 1967 war, Israel begins annexing land in the "occupied territories" and settling them with Jewish only settlements in violation of international law.

Since then, 'settlement' and 'security zones' have restricted Palestinian real estate to the brown areas shown, while the large wall (in black) has been wrapped around them like a pen for animals.

Israel has never stopped illegally razing Palestinian homes, seizing Palestinian land and building illegal Jewish only settlements in the West Bank. Israel did pull Israeli settlements from Gaza, but only after the people in Gaza became so hostile and violent toward the Jewish settlers, that defending them became impractical. Israel pulled out of Gaza and put a wall around Gaza, turning it into the world's largest prison. Effectively Gaza's 1.5 million inhabitants live in a concentration camp where Israel controls how much food and medicine they get. Over the last two years, Israel has reduced the amount of food and medicine. Lately Israel has reduced Gaza's food imports to the point where 50,000 Gaza children are malnourished, two-thirds suffer vitamin A deficiency and almost 50% are anemic.

The future of Palestinian youth seems to be reflecting 'Pink' from The Wall.

On the last map,Palestine no longer exists. It has been wiped off the map. Its now Israel and the Occupied Territories. About 4.6 million Palestinians now live a series of concentration camps and prisons.

About 2 years ago Democratically elected Hamas has lost contol of the West Bank as a result of a US/Israeli backed coup. They were able to hang on to control in Gaza. Since then Israel has been slowly starving 1.5 million Palestinians to death in Gaza.

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