Repost (Fifth Personality type)

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The four humors mentioned below are classical. I saw a lot of modeling in shrink school. My psych prof advocated for a 'field' view of the soul, in which the likely response wasn't a dot, but a large cloud of potential.

In that model, it was easier to imagine a person who had all the qualities of all the humors, but wasn't dominated by one.

Unfortunately, there's wasn't really an accepted model at the time.

Looks like there is, now. Phlegmatic has been redefined as 'Supine' and that former label is now used in the new model to describe that 'all qualities' personality.

Supine is one who is essentially a passive (non expressive) Artisan type (Sangine). It's also called passive-sangine, or introverted-sangine.

It took a while for the others to notice that there was a difference between the bump on the log that offered help and the bitchy one.

And, as a phlegmatic, I need to point out that the 'Low Energy Level' is wholly a subjective judgment on the part of the others. My energy level is just fine when I want to expend energy. 

Most of the time, I'll just sit and watch you people tire yourselves out so that you'll stop long enough for me to tell you how to accomplish what you want. I'll likely help then, and I'll have plenty of energy (since I didn't waste mine tilting at windmills).

It's only arrogance when it's wrong, yano. Otherwise, it's talent.

I knew it all along. I just didn't know I knew.

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