Ragging on shit

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I might do that, but I only really remark on the things that have fascinated me.  It's not like I just remark on religion because I hate it, yano?  I've loved God my whole life.  I'm pretty sure that He talks to me (and no, I don't think I'm the least bit insane).

I would NEVER want anyone to even think for a moment that I don't hold Judaism in the highest regard.  Muslims would do good to pay attention to the way that Jews inculcate their children.  It's a superior system (and transferred intact to the Romans, if you note, which often provide schooling to Jewish children).

The Rastafarians improved on this just a whit (adding linguistic programming) but they haven't adopted the 'book' in the same way (leastways, the fundies didn't--Zen rastas, OTOH...).

But really, what we need to look at is the Hopi (at least, today).  

In looking into the Mayan BS marketing hype that has enveloped our culture (see the post on morons who can't count, below), I have to go back to a REAL prophecy (one I've been talking with Mark Watts about recently, in fact, who should have some interesting tidbits to add shortly).

The Hopi had a 'prophecy rock'.  It has pictures on it.  It talks about how the 'white brother' will come and fuck shit up and it tells the Hopi elders SPECIFICALLY when to inform the 'white brother' that he was about to fuck up.

Now, I'd taken this stuff as apocryphal, since I know that a lot of this text that floats around is embellished.

However, I didn't take into account Mark Watts.

Mark was there.   He knows these people.  This is a TRUE STORY.

When the Hopi elders were given the rock, they were supposed to keep it secret until the 'Eagle flew to the moon and brought back a rock."

When Apollo 11 came back (remember, "The Eagle has Landed!"?), the Hopi elders knew it was time to let White Brother in on the story.

You see, Hopi and White brother will follow a parallel path, but White Brother's path will be 'amplified' (much higher level than Hopi brother's path).

Hopi are to tell White Brother that the amplified path is going to become unstable and collapse, and all the Whites will go with it.

Now, Mark is looking into ANOTHER rock, about the 'twins'.

However, he doesn't know that I've found indications that new scientific data shows that we are likely part of a binary star system.

The other star has been on the outward path for the last few thousand years or so.  

It looks to have gotten to aphelion, and has turned back inward (as has Sol).

So, we are now possibly rushing back to meet our Sun's 'twin'.

And, yano?  The color of an approaching body, as it gets to be approaching faster and faster?


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