My letter to Obama

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CNBC's poll today, and's listing of ideas both put legalization flat on the table as what the American people want. shows that idea leading the next most popular by a full thirty-three percent. While I agree with DPA that jailing sick people is itself sick, I have to point out that destroying the lives of otherwise healthy individuals (and their families) is ghastly as well. True peace begins at home. We can't wage peace 'out there' if we are still having a civil war here. Please, for God's sake, just STOP this madness. It's just a weed. It's not toxic, and the worst it seems to do is make people fat (munchies), and that, only for the ones who don't need it for that reason. This war has made this country an awful place to live for my whole life. I've watched countless good people's lives destroyed for the sake of some sanctimonious puritans. If you can't turn off the war on pot, then at least let the medical users get their supplies without jailing them. In my case (since I moved to CA and found that I could get it for my arthritis), it's really helping a lot. I'd even volunteer to grow it for other folks if I thought I wasn't going to go to jail for it.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on January 27, 2009 9:43 AM.

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