To: Lord High Administrator, Malcolm Clinton
Ministry of Administration
From: J. Stonewall Lee, Intelligence Analyst, 3G,
Information Ministry
Report: On the Current State of the Most Recent Five-Year Plan
Security: Classified (eyes only--no copies)
Shred-by: Today
Since we have adopted the two-state solution to the problem, we have seen difficulties, and experienced some minor failures, but overall, the two-state solution is a fully functional system, and projections for not only the next year, but the five-year, and final goals are on target.
After the "Great Divorce" of the former United States of America into the God-Fearing "Christian States of America" (CSA) and the baby-killing heathens in the "Unsaved States of Atheism" (USA, or 'Democratic Authority' in their eyes), the populations were roughly equivalent, but God's great plan has shown us that this was never supposed to have been the case.
If it had not been for our Jewish brethren in Israel, the Russian Orthodox, and our good friends, the Chinese, we would have long ago been the victim of that slanderous press from the USA refugees about our 'inhumanity' in dealing with the deviants, perverts, and other sinners. In the EU, the press is divided, but we are working on that front feverishly.
Thank the Lord that even though some stories about our biological and nuclear weapons programs got out, they didn't get out too soon, or too fast, or too far. Our covert operatives have become quite adept at identifying and eliminating the 'wrong' kinds of journalists (sinners). Internally, we call it the 'God Squad'.
They have also been eliminating various USA apologists in Europe and Australia, posing as visiting students on a post-college world tour. One of our most deadly assassins is actually in 'Girls Gone Wild: Sydney' (the one who silenced Noam Chomsky).
Through this attention to detail in the media, we were always ready to be able to counter the terrorist statements at the outset and make it look as if the refugees always were a USA, rather than a CSA problem.
And thank the Lord, too, that after the initial war with the USA, our friends in those three countries were able to keep the Canadians from dealing in the weapons that would allow the lost souls in the USA to re-mount an offensive and possibly take back what was left of California.
The original California Crossings, north and south (marked in pink on Map #2, were as much a PR as a military campaign. The most difficult acquisition was Hawaii, which we had strategic need of, but which the native Hawaiians still resent, as they now view the CSA as their second overlord in a row. Although the world press accepts the need to cut off the weapons flow from the east, most of the governments know we did it for the real estate value alone.
The desert southwest is working out much better as the state of Aztlán, too, since those Spanish-only speakers needed a place of their own, and they do seem far more resilient to the radiation than most other races.
It's a pity that so many of them are Catholic, since they seem so nice, and one hates to see them burn for eternity, but they are somewhat intransigent on that point. Many of us in Intelligence, who were in the field, remember them in our own prayers nightly.
Militarily, Aztlán is serving as a secure buffer zone, and the Mexican government is thrilled to have the completely open market and exchange. They believe the Russian/Chinese environmental assessment of the post-war San Diego area, and have no trouble supplying workers for the docks.
Other than the residents of Aztlán, the Roman Catholic re-education and assimilation project is working out splendidly, per reports from all field locations. It seems that English speakers are far more likely to accept re-religiofication than non-English speakers. Most Romans are reluctant as a group, but the English speaking ones have shown nearly a sixty percent rate of adherence to the true faith. Offering them jobs in remote locations where there are no longer any priests to say mass seems to be the key to turning them.
Now, other Catholics, notably Russian and Greek Orthodox, are being retrained, too, but that is a classified matter, given the sensitive nature of our support by the Russians, and our hope to extend that to the EU from the south through the Greek Orthodox.
All the homosexuals (that we know of) and almost all of the former 'counter-culture' left on the 'Night of the Long Lines' just after the Great Divorce. It's amazing what a few dead bodies will do to inspire a mob to move. While some former counter-culturists adopted a more Christian lifestyle afterwards in order to blend in, the truth-squads have brought most of them to the attention of the authorities, and they've been deported for violating the commandment against bearing false witness. It's true that the current presidential palace is in actuality the former property of a very high ranking CNN executive who turned out to be a closeted gay man. The EU press' accusations that we killed him in order to 'steal his house' is incorrect, since it was a completely judicial killing in accordance with the law.
Since homosexuality is again a death penalty offense, as was pointed out above, it simply doesn't exist any more here (that we know of). God be praised.
All non-Christian religions have been counseled (though most, if not all, of the remaining Jews, Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, etc. that attempted to stay on their former property were deported for treason after failing to swear allegiance to Christ). During the last few years, we have seen the non-Christian population dwindle down to merely a quarter of the population, and that is mostly Mormons and Catholics of some sort.
Those former CSA residents who claimed to be Christian but still left for the USA are being effectively maligned in most of the world's press, and our 'Black', 'Asian' and 'Latin American' true Christian Churches are (except for Aztlán) showcase examples of how diverse our culture is within the one true faith. There's no 'voodoo' Christians here, no matter what their color.
We were able to entirely suppress both the reports of the building and the sinking of the Amish' "Arks" through strategic timing of our move to wake the Canadians up to the new order and prevent their collusion with the West Coasters. The news feed bandwidth didn't have the space to cover the destruction of a few boats along with a major city, and what little information remains on the story of the Amish Ark is fast being erased by our agents in the field.
The USA, though they still insist on the 'Right of Return' for refugees, are a paper tiger, having been effectively neutered by lack of supplies and destruction of their two main weapons manufacturing bases in San Diego and Seattle.
CSA refugees mass near the borderlands of their former homes, in camps set up by the remaining government of the USA for the sinning heathens that couldn't stand the light of God shining on them. Though the USA government insists that these refugees are due the 'right of return' (and ownership of their former property, now confiscated and consecrated by the CSA). It would be an affront to God Himself to give this land won in war in His Holy Name against the heathen back to them.
There is little chance the USA will ever be able to effectively enforce their 'demands'.
Our Ministry of State has been providing well crafted responses to these USA phrases such as 'State Sponsored Terrorism', and we indicate that any attempt to take this now 'abandoned' property by force will be considered an act of war. There's a reason that the original owners won't stay on that land, and they know it. World public opinion is still on our side on this point at this time. The world still sides with the righteous over the lost.
Some of the refugees have taken matters into their own hands and are bringing the war back home from time to time, but our casualties have been light, and every incursion has proven an opportunity to force them back further, where they can no longer possibly harm anyone. The best they've been able to really manage since the war is to strike at our settlements, for the most part.
Our response to their naked aggression has been swift and merciless. For example, when that makeshift missile was sent over the mountains from Bakersfield at the Aztlán City Dock Complex, our response showed that we meant business. A crater that can be seen from the Space Station itself is a public relations statement of immense magnitude. And it gave us a great reason to clear out the entire security zone (for the safety of rail, road, and utility traffic).
Our Special Ops teams have also made incursions into the occupied territories' refugee camps, which have extracted various CSA refugees from the USA zones back to the CSA, where we have gleaned great amounts of information interrogating them, in addition to having the opportunity to witness The Christ to them (that they might be saved upon death), which has occurred on a number of occasions now (this is also classified).
Through our tests of their 'defenses', we have, in addition, tested a great many of our own new offensive weapons, and left no witness alive to describe them. Our friends in Russia, China and Israel have helped greatly to quash reports of the peculiar nature of the injuries as well.
Since the war of the Great Divorce, our steady eradication of 'the agitators' has both decimated the population, and it has given us plenty of replacement agitators to continue the decimation against. This is good because as we wipe out the current crop of agitators, things start getting peaceful again until a new set ripens
Since they are decreasing in number, it's easy to push the frontier over towards the enclaves from time to time. It helps when the targets are residents of the border, but only if you kill the whole family.
At this point, due to the completely defensive nature of our response to USA aggression, we have subdivided the former three western states of Washington, Oregon, and California into 14,928 'administrative' units, and taken over what was the Interstate Highway system, and all railroads, in order to prevent the free movement of the infidels' weapons. While certain of the sinners are allowed transit rights from enclave to enclave, most of them are deemed too dangerous to allow egress into secure areas.
The breakaway 'Republic' of the Emerald Triangle was effectively dealt with by a simple armored bulldozer sent in to take out their water supplies. All of the heretic Rastafarians were shot on sight, and the pot-growers who sided with them were hung for treason. The remaining population is quiescent now.
In addition, we have been able to secure all of the water, oil and gas pipelines, and the electrical transmission grid. There should be no further threats on those fronts. Our 'Water of Life' program has been amazingly successful in slaking the thirst of the mid-western states that have exhausted their aquifers, and since there aren't any former residents of the USA in those parts where it comes from anymore, it'll never be missed.
In short, we look pretty good to most of the world, and we are likely to be perceived as the underdog as long as we keep on track. It helps to have friends in high places, and the Russians and Chinese are doing a good job at the UN, keeping anyone from censuring us. It's important to keep on point about how this is 'defensive' work, since that sets the tone.
We in Intelligence awarded the medal of The Holy Cross to one of our own, who must remain nameless of course, for planting that story about how the French and Germans were plotting secretly with the Canadians to supply weapons across the border to the former 'Rust Belt' rebels. That one story gave us both the rationale to start moving individuals away from that occupied area for our own safety, and ultimately the 'big stick' which took out the USA Terrorist cell in Toronto.
It's clear that God has given us dominion over the land. This is how we are doing on the schedule:
At last census, the original CSA population of 150 million had swelled to almost 300 million, but that still includes a subclass of non-Christians of approximately 75 million population (mostly Catholics and Mormons).
The USA's population, on the other hand, has been reduced to merely the 'West Coast' (which really is just some minor cities and areas of northern forests, as most of the arable land in the west has been confiscated for defensive purposes and resettled). The West Coast has a population of approximately 100 million people, but this includes nearly 70 million former CSA residents. There are also nearly 10 million CSA 'settlers' located in various strategic (and attractive) locations on the West Coast, for example, St. Peters' City (the former den of depravity known as 'San Francisco'), which controls the access to the CSA settler's strategic food supply in the Robert E. Lee Valley, and access to the defense industry center of Salt Lake City. In fact, the only remaining USA residents in the former San Joaquin valley live in the former state's former capital (and the only city in that valley allowed to keep it's former name), Sacramento.
And in the 'Cape Cod Strip' (what was southern New England and the offshore islands), the remaining refugees number nearly eighty million, and they are packed like sardines onto strips of land with little or no food production capacity, no import or export facilities, and prohibitions on using most boats and all planes. Of the eighty million, a full sixty million of them are former CSA residents and/or former residents of what is now the 'occupied USA'.
Residents of the city formerly known as Boston (New Jackson) living in camps on Long Island banded together to form the 'Sons of Sam' last year to take action against the CSA settlers who've cleansed the land of their filth. Though Sub-Commandante Zed has yet to be photographed, rumors are that he's at least half Jewish, and bears the 'Mark of Cain' as well (which proves the point we've been making in the press). This 'New Tea Party' rebellion is surly a short-lived affair, and their affiliated 'John Adams Congress Party', though it controls Long Island, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket, has little support in either the Cape itself, or in Providence Plantation East.
Zed's forces haven't managed to make much headway, using makeshift weapons, and thus affecting only minor damage to the Statue of Liberty Under God in their assault on New Jerusalem, and the sinking of one ferryboat with all aboard (which earned as our retribution the vaporization of the city of Provincetown).
However, the refugees in the West Coast, being more in number, and having the large expanse of the north to hide in, have managed to lob a number of small (1-1.3 megaton) nuclear devices across the Canadian border over the years, mostly failing due to lack of adequate guidance systems, which they lost in the war.
We have been able to inflate the number of actual hits in the press, but the classified information is that outside of the two major strikes, which we know were not ballistic, but briefcase delivery, the damage to what we suspect was the intended target was incidental. In other words, if these items are aimed, there's not any apparent correlation with any known military target on our side.
We have kept the destruction of Minneapolis/St. Paul out of the press as much as possible, but Detroit was almost unavoidable, since it delayed CM's release of the 'Bullrusher' model by almost a full year.
However, Atlanta's aforementioned use of a 2 gigaton hydrogen device over Toronto realigned the Canadian government's thinking in this matter effectively, and the attacks across that border have ceased entirely. We have since made complete reparations to the Canadians by giving them Michigan.
We in Intelligence Analysis consider the loss of these cities a mixed blessing, since they were originally USA territory, and thus the refugees really only attacked their own homes, but we had resettled a great many of the reformed Catholics in St. Paul, so that program was set back a bit. Still, it gave us a great deal of weight in dealing with the full implementation of the plan internationally, as we'd 'lost' two cities (we still have one to spare).
In short, the sinner problem on the North American continent seems to be all well in hand, and the infidels will not be a problem in the future, as we here at the ministry of Intelligence see it.
We project that within five years, the total space owned by the former USA residents (and former CSA refugees), will be down to merely Long Island in the East from starvation on both the Cape and East Providence due to their extremity from the only valid port of entry in Brooklyn and the privation of supplies.
In the west, we may need to affect a more 'dramatic' solution, as the landscape tends to be more difficult to scour effectively. The homeopathic antidote in baptismal font water is nearly complete, however, and the plague is nearly 100% fatal without it, with a four month vector of transmission before illness sets in.
We expect to be testing an instant delivery method in the Federal Prison District of Columbia in the next month, disguised as a water facilities malfunction.
Ministry of Administration
From: J. Stonewall Lee, Intelligence Analyst, 3G,
Information Ministry
Report: On the Current State of the Most Recent Five-Year Plan
Security: Classified (eyes only--no copies)
Shred-by: Today
Since we have adopted the two-state solution to the problem, we have seen difficulties, and experienced some minor failures, but overall, the two-state solution is a fully functional system, and projections for not only the next year, but the five-year, and final goals are on target.

If it had not been for our Jewish brethren in Israel, the Russian Orthodox, and our good friends, the Chinese, we would have long ago been the victim of that slanderous press from the USA refugees about our 'inhumanity' in dealing with the deviants, perverts, and other sinners. In the EU, the press is divided, but we are working on that front feverishly.
Thank the Lord that even though some stories about our biological and nuclear weapons programs got out, they didn't get out too soon, or too fast, or too far. Our covert operatives have become quite adept at identifying and eliminating the 'wrong' kinds of journalists (sinners). Internally, we call it the 'God Squad'.
They have also been eliminating various USA apologists in Europe and Australia, posing as visiting students on a post-college world tour. One of our most deadly assassins is actually in 'Girls Gone Wild: Sydney' (the one who silenced Noam Chomsky).
Through this attention to detail in the media, we were always ready to be able to counter the terrorist statements at the outset and make it look as if the refugees always were a USA, rather than a CSA problem.
And thank the Lord, too, that after the initial war with the USA, our friends in those three countries were able to keep the Canadians from dealing in the weapons that would allow the lost souls in the USA to re-mount an offensive and possibly take back what was left of California.

The desert southwest is working out much better as the state of Aztlán, too, since those Spanish-only speakers needed a place of their own, and they do seem far more resilient to the radiation than most other races.
It's a pity that so many of them are Catholic, since they seem so nice, and one hates to see them burn for eternity, but they are somewhat intransigent on that point. Many of us in Intelligence, who were in the field, remember them in our own prayers nightly.
Militarily, Aztlán is serving as a secure buffer zone, and the Mexican government is thrilled to have the completely open market and exchange. They believe the Russian/Chinese environmental assessment of the post-war San Diego area, and have no trouble supplying workers for the docks.

Now, other Catholics, notably Russian and Greek Orthodox, are being retrained, too, but that is a classified matter, given the sensitive nature of our support by the Russians, and our hope to extend that to the EU from the south through the Greek Orthodox.
All the homosexuals (that we know of) and almost all of the former 'counter-culture' left on the 'Night of the Long Lines' just after the Great Divorce. It's amazing what a few dead bodies will do to inspire a mob to move. While some former counter-culturists adopted a more Christian lifestyle afterwards in order to blend in, the truth-squads have brought most of them to the attention of the authorities, and they've been deported for violating the commandment against bearing false witness. It's true that the current presidential palace is in actuality the former property of a very high ranking CNN executive who turned out to be a closeted gay man. The EU press' accusations that we killed him in order to 'steal his house' is incorrect, since it was a completely judicial killing in accordance with the law.
Since homosexuality is again a death penalty offense, as was pointed out above, it simply doesn't exist any more here (that we know of). God be praised.
All non-Christian religions have been counseled (though most, if not all, of the remaining Jews, Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, etc. that attempted to stay on their former property were deported for treason after failing to swear allegiance to Christ). During the last few years, we have seen the non-Christian population dwindle down to merely a quarter of the population, and that is mostly Mormons and Catholics of some sort.
Those former CSA residents who claimed to be Christian but still left for the USA are being effectively maligned in most of the world's press, and our 'Black', 'Asian' and 'Latin American' true Christian Churches are (except for Aztlán) showcase examples of how diverse our culture is within the one true faith. There's no 'voodoo' Christians here, no matter what their color.
We were able to entirely suppress both the reports of the building and the sinking of the Amish' "Arks" through strategic timing of our move to wake the Canadians up to the new order and prevent their collusion with the West Coasters. The news feed bandwidth didn't have the space to cover the destruction of a few boats along with a major city, and what little information remains on the story of the Amish Ark is fast being erased by our agents in the field.
The USA, though they still insist on the 'Right of Return' for refugees, are a paper tiger, having been effectively neutered by lack of supplies and destruction of their two main weapons manufacturing bases in San Diego and Seattle.
CSA refugees mass near the borderlands of their former homes, in camps set up by the remaining government of the USA for the sinning heathens that couldn't stand the light of God shining on them. Though the USA government insists that these refugees are due the 'right of return' (and ownership of their former property, now confiscated and consecrated by the CSA). It would be an affront to God Himself to give this land won in war in His Holy Name against the heathen back to them.
There is little chance the USA will ever be able to effectively enforce their 'demands'.
Our Ministry of State has been providing well crafted responses to these USA phrases such as 'State Sponsored Terrorism', and we indicate that any attempt to take this now 'abandoned' property by force will be considered an act of war. There's a reason that the original owners won't stay on that land, and they know it. World public opinion is still on our side on this point at this time. The world still sides with the righteous over the lost.
Some of the refugees have taken matters into their own hands and are bringing the war back home from time to time, but our casualties have been light, and every incursion has proven an opportunity to force them back further, where they can no longer possibly harm anyone. The best they've been able to really manage since the war is to strike at our settlements, for the most part.
Our response to their naked aggression has been swift and merciless. For example, when that makeshift missile was sent over the mountains from Bakersfield at the Aztlán City Dock Complex, our response showed that we meant business. A crater that can be seen from the Space Station itself is a public relations statement of immense magnitude. And it gave us a great reason to clear out the entire security zone (for the safety of rail, road, and utility traffic).
Our Special Ops teams have also made incursions into the occupied territories' refugee camps, which have extracted various CSA refugees from the USA zones back to the CSA, where we have gleaned great amounts of information interrogating them, in addition to having the opportunity to witness The Christ to them (that they might be saved upon death), which has occurred on a number of occasions now (this is also classified).
Through our tests of their 'defenses', we have, in addition, tested a great many of our own new offensive weapons, and left no witness alive to describe them. Our friends in Russia, China and Israel have helped greatly to quash reports of the peculiar nature of the injuries as well.
Since the war of the Great Divorce, our steady eradication of 'the agitators' has both decimated the population, and it has given us plenty of replacement agitators to continue the decimation against. This is good because as we wipe out the current crop of agitators, things start getting peaceful again until a new set ripens
Since they are decreasing in number, it's easy to push the frontier over towards the enclaves from time to time. It helps when the targets are residents of the border, but only if you kill the whole family.
At this point, due to the completely defensive nature of our response to USA aggression, we have subdivided the former three western states of Washington, Oregon, and California into 14,928 'administrative' units, and taken over what was the Interstate Highway system, and all railroads, in order to prevent the free movement of the infidels' weapons. While certain of the sinners are allowed transit rights from enclave to enclave, most of them are deemed too dangerous to allow egress into secure areas.

In addition, we have been able to secure all of the water, oil and gas pipelines, and the electrical transmission grid. There should be no further threats on those fronts. Our 'Water of Life' program has been amazingly successful in slaking the thirst of the mid-western states that have exhausted their aquifers, and since there aren't any former residents of the USA in those parts where it comes from anymore, it'll never be missed.
In short, we look pretty good to most of the world, and we are likely to be perceived as the underdog as long as we keep on track. It helps to have friends in high places, and the Russians and Chinese are doing a good job at the UN, keeping anyone from censuring us. It's important to keep on point about how this is 'defensive' work, since that sets the tone.
We in Intelligence awarded the medal of The Holy Cross to one of our own, who must remain nameless of course, for planting that story about how the French and Germans were plotting secretly with the Canadians to supply weapons across the border to the former 'Rust Belt' rebels. That one story gave us both the rationale to start moving individuals away from that occupied area for our own safety, and ultimately the 'big stick' which took out the USA Terrorist cell in Toronto.
It's clear that God has given us dominion over the land. This is how we are doing on the schedule:
At last census, the original CSA population of 150 million had swelled to almost 300 million, but that still includes a subclass of non-Christians of approximately 75 million population (mostly Catholics and Mormons).
The USA's population, on the other hand, has been reduced to merely the 'West Coast' (which really is just some minor cities and areas of northern forests, as most of the arable land in the west has been confiscated for defensive purposes and resettled). The West Coast has a population of approximately 100 million people, but this includes nearly 70 million former CSA residents. There are also nearly 10 million CSA 'settlers' located in various strategic (and attractive) locations on the West Coast, for example, St. Peters' City (the former den of depravity known as 'San Francisco'), which controls the access to the CSA settler's strategic food supply in the Robert E. Lee Valley, and access to the defense industry center of Salt Lake City. In fact, the only remaining USA residents in the former San Joaquin valley live in the former state's former capital (and the only city in that valley allowed to keep it's former name), Sacramento.
And in the 'Cape Cod Strip' (what was southern New England and the offshore islands), the remaining refugees number nearly eighty million, and they are packed like sardines onto strips of land with little or no food production capacity, no import or export facilities, and prohibitions on using most boats and all planes. Of the eighty million, a full sixty million of them are former CSA residents and/or former residents of what is now the 'occupied USA'.
Residents of the city formerly known as Boston (New Jackson) living in camps on Long Island banded together to form the 'Sons of Sam' last year to take action against the CSA settlers who've cleansed the land of their filth. Though Sub-Commandante Zed has yet to be photographed, rumors are that he's at least half Jewish, and bears the 'Mark of Cain' as well (which proves the point we've been making in the press). This 'New Tea Party' rebellion is surly a short-lived affair, and their affiliated 'John Adams Congress Party', though it controls Long Island, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket, has little support in either the Cape itself, or in Providence Plantation East.
Zed's forces haven't managed to make much headway, using makeshift weapons, and thus affecting only minor damage to the Statue of Liberty Under God in their assault on New Jerusalem, and the sinking of one ferryboat with all aboard (which earned as our retribution the vaporization of the city of Provincetown).
However, the refugees in the West Coast, being more in number, and having the large expanse of the north to hide in, have managed to lob a number of small (1-1.3 megaton) nuclear devices across the Canadian border over the years, mostly failing due to lack of adequate guidance systems, which they lost in the war.
We have been able to inflate the number of actual hits in the press, but the classified information is that outside of the two major strikes, which we know were not ballistic, but briefcase delivery, the damage to what we suspect was the intended target was incidental. In other words, if these items are aimed, there's not any apparent correlation with any known military target on our side.
We have kept the destruction of Minneapolis/St. Paul out of the press as much as possible, but Detroit was almost unavoidable, since it delayed CM's release of the 'Bullrusher' model by almost a full year.
However, Atlanta's aforementioned use of a 2 gigaton hydrogen device over Toronto realigned the Canadian government's thinking in this matter effectively, and the attacks across that border have ceased entirely. We have since made complete reparations to the Canadians by giving them Michigan.
We in Intelligence Analysis consider the loss of these cities a mixed blessing, since they were originally USA territory, and thus the refugees really only attacked their own homes, but we had resettled a great many of the reformed Catholics in St. Paul, so that program was set back a bit. Still, it gave us a great deal of weight in dealing with the full implementation of the plan internationally, as we'd 'lost' two cities (we still have one to spare).
In short, the sinner problem on the North American continent seems to be all well in hand, and the infidels will not be a problem in the future, as we here at the ministry of Intelligence see it.
We project that within five years, the total space owned by the former USA residents (and former CSA refugees), will be down to merely Long Island in the East from starvation on both the Cape and East Providence due to their extremity from the only valid port of entry in Brooklyn and the privation of supplies.
In the west, we may need to affect a more 'dramatic' solution, as the landscape tends to be more difficult to scour effectively. The homeopathic antidote in baptismal font water is nearly complete, however, and the plague is nearly 100% fatal without it, with a four month vector of transmission before illness sets in.
We expect to be testing an instant delivery method in the Federal Prison District of Columbia in the next month, disguised as a water facilities malfunction.
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