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One keeps hearing these phrases like, "If it were happening here."

Now, let's consider that.

I'll pick Santa Fe, since it's handy for the example.

Taos Pueblo is just up the road, so to speak.  So are a bunch of other 'reservations', so the idea of the Santa Fe residents being exposed to 'rockets' fired from one of the Native lands would be a pretty close approximation.

But the difference here is that Santa Fe was desert when the Spanish first settled it.

The real situation would be something more akin to the concept of the Californians 'settling' Dallas by moving all the Dallas residents to Fort Worth, and taking their houses (perhaps as reparations for that Enron scam that cost us $9B).  The idea that Californians might then have to build a wall to keep indignant Texans from taking pot-shots at the 'thieves'/'setters' would be more in line with the facts.

And though the original deal would involve Dallas (leaving the Park Cities independent), after one or two 'incidents' it would become a much more all encompassing approach, with the Park Cities residents being put into 'camps', and DFW airport secured as a 'frontier'. 

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