On Materialism

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I mentioned this to some of my family, but circumstances today made it more apparent I should be 'out' about my feelings.

I've spent this year going through *stuff* (twenty years' worth of it).  I've got (estimating, here) fifteen book boxes, an equivalent number of CD/DVD boxes, scads of boxes of videotapes, audiotapes, and even some VDs (vinyl disks).

I'm starting to toss parts.  It's hard.  A lot of things are things that other people got me, and even though I don't use them, it's still hard to get rid of useless junk which has sentimental value.

So the idea that I'd be accumulating more stuff while trying desperately to glean what I've got down to a useful pile that's worth carting around with me is really a non-starter.

I told my brother that 'small' stuff was better, if sending stuff is somehow required.  NO FOOD.

Anyway, I killed my Amazon wish list, so if you go looking for it, it's gone, and it won't be back.

If giving is somehow compulsory, please consider a gift to the Greg Palast Investigative Fund in my name.

In fact, you might consider the wonderful gifts there that OTHER people might want:

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on December 4, 2008 7:04 AM.

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