I've Been Working

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Well, this was pro-bono stuff for some friends on missions (and a little education for me on fund-raising).

But it's a nice break to write for hours and not end up having to check speling.

If you've been following my notes on the Open Voting Consortium, and their (essentially) free voting software that runs on almost everything, you might have signed up for their email list.

They had some issues with 'spam' marks that were clouding their ability to send their emails, and I think that just got cleared up (I hope).

Now, I'm on to learning how to program a radio station for KMEC.  They've got this really cool software that they are NOT taking advantage of at all, AFAIK.  It's kind of like buying a Lamborghini to use as a golf cart.

I think I might spend a bit of the day today reading manuals about how to run radio station software, as that seems to be the point at which the ball was ignored (not really even dropped, just never picked up).

Lovely initialization, RTFM (read the *fine* manual).  You'd be amazed at what's in those things (instructions, generally).

I joke a lot that if you can read for content and play with Lego you can do my job any day of the week.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on December 15, 2008 5:37 AM.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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