Ford's Car Plant in Brazil

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Ok, this is weird. My dad tells me about this video that he saw, and I'd seen it, too, but as part of a Science Channel show, not as a stand-alone item; however, now that I've seen it' it's OBVIOUS what this is about. 

This video is about lying about unions. They make the point more than once about how miraculous this plant is, and tie it all up neatly with a phrase at the end, just like the Science Channel segment did (and they used most of the same shots and script, though this has a different narrator).

Once is curious. Twice is a pattern.

Someone wants us to REALLY hate unions, and blame stuff on them.

Last week, management lied and said that the employees 'make' $70/hr, which is patently untrue. The management may have to SPEND that much per hour, due to poor investment strategies with the pension monies they were entrusted with, but that doesn't mean anyone MAKES that much.

To phrase it that way is quite simply a lie.

Unions brought us such terrible banes as weekends, health-insurance, vacations, and pensions. They are really awful people, if you think of those silver spoons they stole from the mouths of children of management.

I would suggest that any management who wants to be taken seriously in this arena take the initiative and STOP all those benefits that the unions procured for you, FIRST.

After the perks stop taking money off the top, perhaps there will be enough money for the folks who actually BUILD the stuff that's being sold.

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