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The third question.

The first was the size of the moon (nearly statistically impossible that we might experience an 'eclipse' at all, let alone all *three* varieties).

The second is that solid water floats in liquid water (one of only three known molecules that exhibits this behavior).

The third?  That's easy (after contemplation).  Altruism.

Explain altruism in terms of anything other than what's best for the 'not-self'.

For the concept that there's any chance that 'chance' put this situation together, I find this to be the most wholly ridiculous and asinine 'assumption' that anyone could muster.

Now, personally, since I am in touch with God quite a bit, I've no doubts of It's existence.

But if you are a 'chance' fancier, you *have* to admit that the 'chance' of altruism is pretty far-fetched in a self-serving fantasy.

For the most of you, this won't be an issue (since when your eyes are opened fully you won't doubt any longer).

This message is merely for the die-hards.

You will, of course, and it will be *much* harder than you think.

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