Yes, It's *NOT* My Imagination

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Currently, women are a bunch of annoying shitheads who are more often than not problematic, unhappy wretches who merely want to extend that misery to another so they've got company.

It's a sad state, but see the graph?

From the same author:

We polled thousands of women on the following five questions, and interviewed in-depth those women who could respond "everyday" to four of the five. If you want to self-diagnose the kind of life you're living, try them out on yourself:

1. How often do you get to do things you really like to do?
2. How often do you find yourself actively looking forward to the day ahead?
3. How often do you get so involved in what you're doing you lose track of time?
4. How often do you feel invigorated at the end of a long, busy day?
5. How often do you feel an emotional high in your life?

What We Found

Martha Washington, the first first lady, said that, "The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not on our circumstances." Our research certainly confirmed this. The women who could answer positively to the questions above had, on some level, simply decided that they were going to be happy. They made that choice.

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Much thanks to you for giving such significant data, and a debt of gratitude is for sharing this Business Promotion system.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on September 29, 2009 11:34 PM.

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