Stopping The "War Machine"

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I belong to a group (which often gets space here) called SWM (Stop the War Machine).

Now, I've often had some 'issues' with them.  Sometime back, there were some baby-dolls covered in ketchup and the inappropriate use of the word 'murderer' (shack guards rarely take flight to Iraq and murder babies in their free-time).

Let's make an analogy, so it's clear:

Say you have a group called 'Stop Police Brutality' (I've actually been a member of a few groups that might be better named that).  Your group *isn't* about getting rid of police, but about getting *good* police, right?

So how come there's always this thing with soldiers?  Is it leftover Vietnam syndrome?

If we had soldiers who were properly trained to refuse illegal orders, is the simple idea that we pay people to be ready to *kill* REALLY BAD PEOPLE a bad idea?  If we aren't sending them off to kill them simply because we can (like we've done for, oh, fifty years or so) then is the idea that they just *know* how to do this somehow evil?

And if (and I know for some, it is) a 'sin' to take life, where exactly do you draw the line?

If you won't kill a cow, why will you kill a carrot?  Would you kill H1N1 viruses?

The point is to have a full cadre of *honorable* men, and freakin' *deadly* honorable men.

If you pay attention, the actual disconnect in this system is the lies they have been using in order to manipulate the honorable ones.

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This is such an interesting blog. You are very knowledgeable about this subject. Please check out my site.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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