I couldn't post it there ...

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So I got my 'Red State Roundup' this AM, and clicked through to A Tangled Web of Socialists Targets Glenn Beck and Talk Radio.

It's a great article, BTW (not in their take, but just looking at the breadth of the 'web').

I found a comment field at the bottom, but they make you log in to leave a comment, and I figured I'd lose my subscription if I posted this there:

I'm Stunned, Frankly

As I understand it, you guys are cheering on a mouthpiece of media who's calling the author of "The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems" a *socialist*??? Do you guys actually read and/or do any critical thinking on your own, or is this a flock of parrots I've run across? Yeah, you should be free to say whatever you want. But yano, if you're an idiot, you should expect to be called out on it. Beck's one. And pointing out that the public trust which was rented to the media (the airwaves--a public 'commons') *for the purpose* of enhancing local public awareness is being co-opted by other, non-local forces is just pointing out that the pig is no longer in the poke. The idea that the 'local' radio station has no people working inside the building is just creepy, and there's *plenty* of stations to which that description applies. So, if you're an idiot, expect that people will begin to notice and comment on it (as it's getting quite fashionable to point out that red-heads are dead-heads). I want to work on the 'liar' part (this country is one of the few in which it's *legal* to lie about someone in public). I'm sure you'll be with me on that one, right? I mean, it's one of the Ten Commandments (and something for which one is taken to the center of town and stoned to death for). It's the 'Bearing False Witness' one, if you hadn't read them lately.

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