That's really the way it works best in Texas, 4pm-4am.
And I've got to say that over the years, this group of friends has matured to be a self-reinforcing structure (I'm watching a lovely crop of young'uns show up).
How many places can you go to where you can sit down at a table of a half dozen, amidst some of the finest scotches, wines, and cigars on earth, and find that 100% has read Dante?
Where *else* in freakin' Texas would you be able to get into a discussion of the rights of gender-altered individuals and not get tarred-and-feathered?
It's nice to be able to transition from a discussion of haute culture to the relative price of a .32 vs. a 9mm, and to skip from that to smoked meat recipes and animal rights.
These Californians, they just aren't as deep or broad (I guess everything *is* bigger in Texas).
I still miss the missing parties, though. There were two that were *sorely* missed.
And there's another who I always hope will return to the fold, but never expect to hear from again.
The best part is that I got to *personally* see the first engagement of the new crop.
One can't really put a price on that, can one?
Thank you again for your flawless service, and I look forward to working with you in the future.