August 2011 Archives

Frank S.ent a gem!

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Gee, I thought (at first), she's 92, and she's still dancing.  This was when it was a slow dance with her grandson.  THEN, it gets HOT.

Fred's dead, but Ginger Rogers is still tripping the light fantastic! (or is she?)

Update: Ginger Rogers died in 1995 at the age of 83.

Sorry, Frank.

It's still a gem, however. Even at eighty, that's some smokin' tootsies.

Revenge Killing?

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NATO puts hit on French journalist

Thierry Meyssan, a French journalist and writer, 22 August 2011 at 5: 55 Paris and Libyan time was threatened by foreign sрies at the hotel Rixos in Tripoli who are there under the guise of being journalists. During the chaos that ensued on the weekend, files were exposed showing several of the western journalists to be spies for the British SIS and the American CIA.

In the middle of the day August 22 it was reported that there was a threat to shoot Thierry Meyssan and his companion. They got proposals for political asylum from five countries, but they could not get to these embassies. Since then, we did not have any news about them. NATO ordered killing Thierry Meyssan and three other honest journalists: Mahdi Nazemroaya, Julien Teil, Mathieu Ozanon.

The threat to kill Thierry Meyssan is thought to have nothing to do with Tebels: NATO is suspected, because the Americans wanted Thierry in 2001, because he wrote a book in relation to the 9/11 events at the towers in New York disproving the official US version of events.

Since 2007, President Nicolas Sarkozy, himself a known CIA agent for America, removed his security, and thus Thierry Meyssan was forced to live in Lebanon. 

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